

In 2016


  • (October 28th– December 3rd, 2016) Visiting Professor at Department of Immunology, Siriraj Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University of Bangkok (Thailand).
  • Special Seminar (December 1st, 2016): “Autophagy: the importance of Self-eating” 
  •  October 29th – November 6th Taipei, National Taiwan University – Editorial Office of Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Seminars at Taipei City Hospital and at National Taiwan University in Taipei.
  • November 8th 2016 – Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. Organizer and Distinguished Speaker of the 2016 Annual International Medical Technology Conference “New Frontiers in Cancer and Stem Cell Researches: Trends in Novel Medical Diagnostics and Biomarkers” Conference Room, 7 th Floor Chaloem Rajakumari 60 Building, Chulalongkorn University.



  • (August 26th – September 2nd, 2016) Co-organizer, speaker and chairman of the special session ‘Cancer Metabolism’ of the 3ndAnnual Meeting of the International Ovarian Cancer Consortium and the Symposium on Tumor Microenvironment and Therapeutic Resistance, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Stephenson Cancer Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, August 28-30, 201.


  • April 15th – 23rd Taipei, National Taiwan University – Editorial Office of Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Seminars at National Research center of Chinese Medicine in Taipei and at Medical University of Chinese Medicine in Taichung.


  • (February 19th March 11th, 2016) Overseas tutoring to PhD student in Khon Kaen. Seminar at Excellent Research Center for Cholangiocarcinom, University of khon Kaen (Thailand).
  • March 18th, Committee for PhD graduation at IFOM-IEO, Milan.

  • Co-Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicin;
  • Vice Editor in Chief of the Journal of Molecular Signaling.


  • Membro della Commissione Scientifica giudicatrice per il Premio Divulgazione Scientifica dell’Associazione Italiana del Libro

In 2015

  • Executive Vice President of the International Association of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
  • Vice Editor in Chief of the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine

Associate Editor of the journals:

  • Autophagy
  • Molecular
  • Carcinogenesis
  • Journal of Molecular
  • Signaling
  • Cancer Surgery


  • Membro della Commissione Scientifica giudicatrice per il Premio Divulgazione Scientifica dell’Associazione Italiana del Libro


  • (September 24th- October 31st, 2015) Visiting Professor at Department of Immunology, Siriraj Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University of Bangkok (Thailand).
  • (October 20th) Co-organizer and Speaker of the First BTM2015 Basic to Trasnlational Medicine, Siriraj Hospital – Medical School of Mahidol University of Bangkok (Thailand);
  • (October 21st, 2015) Special Seminar at Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University of Bangkok (Thailand).
  • (October 21st-24th, 2015) Member of the Organizing Committee of the 6th NAPA Meeting in Taipei (Taiwan);
  • (October 24th-27th, 2015) Member of the Organizing Committee, session moderator and invited Speaker of the 2nd ICTCMH2015 in Taipei (Taiwan).


  • (16th -22nd, 2015) Co-organizer, speaker and chairman of the special session ‘Cancer Metabolism’ of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Ovarian Cancer Consortium and the Symposium on Tumor Microenvironment and Therapeutic Resistance, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Stephenson Cancer Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, August 16-18, 2015.


  • (June 5th – July 5th, 2015) Visiting Professor at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University of Bangkok (Thailand).


  • (RUSSIA 16th-31st, 2015) Co-organizer, session moderator and invited Speaker of the -1st International School on “NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS”, 18-20 May, 2015 and of 6th International workshop on “NANOPARTICLES, NANOSTRUCTURED COATINGS AND MICROCONTAINERS: TECHNOLOGY, PROPERTIES, APPLICATIONS”, 20-24 May, 2015, Saratov (Russian Federation) website:
  • Invited speaker for seminars at University of S. Petersbourg (26th May) and at University of Moscow (29th May)


  • (March 1st – 31st, 2015) Visiting Professor at Department of Immunology, Siriraj Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University of Bangkok (Thailand)
  • (April 1st -5th, 2015) Invited speaker at the International Conference of the Cancer Research Institute of Seoul National University, SNU-CRI Conference, Hwasun Kumho resort, Hwasun-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea.
  • Invited Speaker at the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Seoul National University (hosted by Prof. Marc Diederich). March 31st and April 6th, 2015

in 2014

NOVEMBER-DECEMBER (Nov 14th – Dec 14th)

  • Visiting Professor at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University of Bangkok (Thailand).

OCTOBER (5th-11th)

  • Distinguished Guest Invited Speaker of the Stephenson COBRE & Center for Basic Cancer Research, Peggy and Charles Stephenson Cancer Center, Oklahoma City (US).

SEPTEMBER – HONORIS CAUSA Ceremony Sept 22nd, 2014

  • Graduation as Professeur Honoraire de l’ Université de Franche-Comté Besancon (France).


  • Invited speaker at the Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, hosted by Prof. Philippe Humbert, Université de Franche-Comté, Besancon (France). June 6th, 2014.


  • Invited speaker at the Rojal Golden Jubilee PhD XV Congress in Jomtien-Pattaya (Thailand). May 28th – 30th, 2014.


  • Recruited as outstanding Visiting Professor of the BRAIN POOL program launched by the Seoul National University, National Cancer Research Institute. (cancelled)
  • Invited speaker at the symposium on “Anticancer activity of Natural Products” organized by Prof. Yong Joon Surh at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Mokpo (South Korea). April 15th, 2014.
  • Co-organizer, speaker and chairman of the special session on ‘Metabolism and Autophagy in Cancer’ of the International Conference of the Cancer Research Institute of Seoul National University, SNU-CRI Conference, Mokpo, South Korea, April 15-20, 2014.
  • Invited speaker at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. April 21st, 2014.
  • Invited Speaker at the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Seoul National University (hosted by Prof. Marc Diederich). April 22nd, 2014.

 MARCH – APRIL (March 17th – APRIL 12th, 2014)

  • Visiting Professor at Department of Immunology, Siriraj Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University of Bangkok (Thailand).


  • Invited speaker at the MD Anderson Cancer Center of Houston, Texas (US), hosted by Prof. Robert Jr Bast; Feb 6th, 2014
  • Co-organizer, speaker and chairman of the special session ‘Cancer Metabolism’ of the 1st Annual Meeting International Ovarian Cancer Consortium: Tumor Microenvironment and Drug Discovery. Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City (US); Feb 9-11, 2014
  • Special guest invited speaker at Georgia Tech University, School of Biology, Atlanta (US), hosted by Prof. John Mc Donald; Feb 13th, 2014.
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